Membership and
Super Rebate
Model has created a unique membership system where members enjoy more benefits, rights and services
3W Membership provides a membership service, and in order to guarantee the quality and standard of the service, a membership system has been created. It allows members to enjoy more benefits, rights or services, and provides a full range of services centered around the needs of members, with the higher the rank, the richer the rights and services that members have.
Membership Benefits

Get a free DID and domain name

Daily benefits and holiday gifts or wishes

Discounts or reductions on various platform fees

Exclusive customer service manager for members

Online and offline consumption benefits, gift certificates, etc.

Rebates on platform profits

Rebates on various service applications

Become an agent and get a share of the business

Become a member

Become a member by paying a fee

Become a member by hosting assets

Become a member by referral

Become a member by doing tasks

Become a member through business cooperation

Become a member by accumulating purchases

super rebate model
Super Rebate is an important point in the operation of the whole system of, which breaks the traditional mode of the project side using users or channels to make money by harvesting in a big way, through a series of design, so that the members can make profits in

Rebate a portion of the profits to the members of the platform.

Encourage merchants to give a portion of their profits back to their referrals.

Allow merchants to target advertisements to users in a similar way to the red packets.